Thursday, December 3, 2009

In My Eyes

Are you from the city or the country? I know the vast majority of the folks reading this probably don't know much about being a cowboy or a rancher, just like I don't know about the "City Life". I go to LasVegas or Salt Lake City and I often think "how do people do this!" So many people! You can't see outside for the buildings! When you walk into a store you find that people are packed in there like sardines! And the Funny thing, is these folks look like they enjoy it!
Although I have seen a few folks that, you DEFIANTLY want to get clear of! If looks could kill....I would have been died many times over!

On the other hand I am sure if the "City Folks" had a chance to see what I see they would be at awe... Every day I see the beauty of the Mountains, I see a Momma Cow licking her new born calf...(some folks would probably thing that was disgusting) I watch my dogs play - race up and down the hill - seeing who can jump the brush the highest! Our dogs new act is walking on water! Now just because the water is frozen to ice this don't mean a thing! They have a ball on ice, making a quick turn around is most funny - down they go sliding all the way, and then up they go off on a dead run! 
                                     Beauty is everywhere even in the city's, just not the same as in the country. I have seen the State Capital at night with the lights shining brightly and the flag ruffly in the breeze, now this can be beautiful

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